Name:____________________________ Nickname:__________________________
CB Handle:______________________
Address (miles from town/grid road):
Pa (If unknown, list two best suspects):
Neck Shade: Light Red__ Medium Red__ Dark Red__ Other__
Number of teeth exposed in full grin: (upper)________________ (lower)_________________
Make and Model of Pickup:________________________ Size of Tire:_______________________
Dogs:_________ Type (if known):_________________
How many trucks in yard?___________________________ How many on blocks?_____________
Do you think Collin Thatcher is guilty? ____ yes ____ probably
How often do you write Anne Murray? ________ How many times arrested for it? ____________
Do you wear: ____ Blue Jeans
___ Polyester pants with snags
___ Other, explain_______________________________
Do you own any shoes (not boots) ___ Yes ___ No
Size of Belt Buckle: Width:_________ Length:_________ Weight:__________
Does your wife weigh more than your pickup? ___ yes ___ no
Can you sign your name and ALWAYS spell it correctly? ___ yes ___ no
Have you EVER had more than one bath in the same week?
___ yes ___ no
Medical Information
Do you have at least two (2) of the following?
__ B.O. __Crabs __Gas __Bad Breath __Fleas __Tan line around collar/arms __Crossed Eyes
__Runny nose __Green Teeth __Brown Teeth __Yellow Teeth __Any Teeth
__Number of Teeth Missing
General Information
Can you count past 10 with your shoes on? __ yes __ no Past 21 with your fly up? __yes __no
Favourite Weapon: __Hockey stick __2x4 __22 __Shotgun __Baseball bat
Favourite Pastime: __Drinkin' __Gopher Huntin' __Curlin' __Other
Truck Equipped With __Gun Rack __Fuzzbuster
__Cassette Deck __Booster Cables __Roll
__8 Track __CB Radio __Beer Bottles
__Fuzzy Dice or Garter
Favourite Music: __Country __Western __Anne Murray
Bumper Stickers: __Honk if you love Jesus
__Damned Government __Damned Weather
__Damned Banks __Old Fart
Cap Emblems: __John Deere __CAT --POOL __Labatts Blue __Old Fart
Membership: __Ducks
Unlimited __Legion __4H
__Co-op __N.R.A.
Signaure (one "X" will do)____________________________________________